Are you looking for a caring and experienced psychiatrist who can offer holistic healing solutions?

Look no further!

I am here to help you achieve deeper and long-lasting healing – spiritual, emotional, and physical. With my expertise in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry, I am committed to providing you with the support you need.


Cynthia La Morgese, MD

The beginning of my story involves training in NYC, with the intention at the time to do “Doctors Without Borders” soon after graduating my medical program. I was privileged to be admitted to UCLA medical school, where I learned how to be a fierce leader and advocate, and then won a scholarship program for minority fellows that allowed me to do free healthcare, and educational seminars to help reach more people and de-stigmatize mental illness.

After moving to Madison, WI, and training to work with Children and Adolescents, I moved away from my work in crisis care, and realized that through seeing my outpatients struggle year after year with the same problems, that my medication prescription alone would not solve all of their problems.  I looked back into my training in East West Medicine and starting reading and learning about Ayurvedic medicine. 

I discovered that indigenous cultures from across the globe and throughout history found wellness in “ancient and alternative” methods, as well as from getting back to Source and connecting with nature and the stars.  I realized as humans, deep healing comes from taking an honest look at our whole selves, and not living in isolation.

I have worked in a wide variety of practice settings, including outpatient, inpatient, emergency, consultation / liaison, county facilities, as well as private practice.  I have worked in a large hospital, large group practices, and now am working in my solo practice. I have led groups and taught medical and psychiatric residents and faculty.  I have worked closely with and have provided supervision to psychiatrists, and other trainees.

I am planning on continuing to develop my home retreat center, Cuatro Vientos, which sits on 20 acres of land in the Town of Cross Plains.  When open, hopefully in the Spring of 2025, it will offer couple’s workshops and retreats, art and music healing workshops, divine male / divine female retreats, sound bowl healing, and yoga, to name a few. 

I am joyous beyond measure to be expanding my healing practice and to work alongside you.